How to Quit Smoking... The easy way “All the resources we need are in the mind.” – Theodore Roosevelt."
Excerpt from Dr. Max Sawaf’s new book "Anti-Aging Made Simple"
Mark Twain said, "Quitting smoking is easy. I've done it a thousand times." Maybe you've tried to quit too. Why is quitting and staying quit hard for so many people? And how can you quit without so much pain. Sadly, eighty percent of smokers who quit do so without being in any program – and studies show that 95% of these self-reliant quitters fail, and go right back to smoking. It's the same rate of recidivism as with heroin. With a 95% chance of failure without a program, you may wish to consider getting some help this time around. The battle against smoking is harder to win when fought alone! My success rate with patients who want to quit is about 60%. If you want to improve your chances of quitting by tenfold, read the next twelve pages. The vast majority of my patients report that quitting when using my program was a lot easier that they thought. People who are the most successful at living life typically get help, and plenty of it. For example, they might read up on how to prevent illness, and go to the doctor when sick. In business, a businessperson will get a lawyer to write the contracts, a marketing firm to do the marketing, an ad agency to create the ads, an accountant to do the accounting – and so on. The fact is that people who are successful in life get help. Real men ask for directions! The same applies for quitting smoking. For those who have repeatedly failed at quitting in the past, it's comforting to learn that most smokers in fact fail several times before stopping successfully. Your past failures are not a lesson that you are unable to quit. Instead, they are part of the normal journey toward becoming a nonsmoker. Every time you fail you lose a little more faith that you could really quit. So each time you quit, it gets harder and harder to motivate yourself to set a date. You begin to feel it is hopeless. My mission here is to restore your faith in yourself. You can quit. Even if you've failed several times in the past, understand that this is normal. You're not alone. When asked why you smoke, you might have said, "I just like to smoke!" or "It's my choice to smoke." The tobacco companies have promoted the idea that smoking is a matter of personal choice. As I see it, there really isn't as much choice as they have suggested to their customers. Ask yourself, and be totally honest: Am I addicted to tobacco? Am I truly making a freely made choice when I smoke? By telling smokers that smoking is a personal choice, the tobacco industry has helped to keep its customers in denial about the true extent of their addiction. If smoking is a choice, then what's the rush to quit? The tobacco companies have used this spin to help keep millions of customers buying their deadly products. The most important step to take is the first step --admitting you have an addiction. Admitting that you're smoking more out of addiction than choice will help motivate you to go on to the next steps -- taking control of yourself and becoming a nonsmoker. This admission will further serve you by helping you stay smoke-free later. In the months and years after you quit, when temptations to smoke occasionally overpower you -- and they will -- remind yourself, "I have an addiction and I'm powerless over tobacco." Saying this to yourself in overwhelmed moments of desire will help give you the strength to say no to "just one" cigarette.
Excerpt from Dr. Max Sawaf’s new book "Anti-Aging Made Simple"
Mark Twain said, "Quitting smoking is easy. I've done it a thousand times." Maybe you've tried to quit too. Why is quitting and staying quit hard for so many people? And how can you quit without so much pain. Sadly, eighty percent of smokers who quit do so without being in any program – and studies show that 95% of these self-reliant quitters fail, and go right back to smoking. It's the same rate of recidivism as with heroin. With a 95% chance of failure without a program, you may wish to consider getting some help this time around. The battle against smoking is harder to win when fought alone! My success rate with patients who want to quit is about 60%. If you want to improve your chances of quitting by tenfold, read the next twelve pages. The vast majority of my patients report that quitting when using my program was a lot easier that they thought. People who are the most successful at living life typically get help, and plenty of it. For example, they might read up on how to prevent illness, and go to the doctor when sick. In business, a businessperson will get a lawyer to write the contracts, a marketing firm to do the marketing, an ad agency to create the ads, an accountant to do the accounting – and so on. The fact is that people who are successful in life get help. Real men ask for directions! The same applies for quitting smoking. For those who have repeatedly failed at quitting in the past, it's comforting to learn that most smokers in fact fail several times before stopping successfully. Your past failures are not a lesson that you are unable to quit. Instead, they are part of the normal journey toward becoming a nonsmoker. Every time you fail you lose a little more faith that you could really quit. So each time you quit, it gets harder and harder to motivate yourself to set a date. You begin to feel it is hopeless. My mission here is to restore your faith in yourself. You can quit. Even if you've failed several times in the past, understand that this is normal. You're not alone. When asked why you smoke, you might have said, "I just like to smoke!" or "It's my choice to smoke." The tobacco companies have promoted the idea that smoking is a matter of personal choice. As I see it, there really isn't as much choice as they have suggested to their customers. Ask yourself, and be totally honest: Am I addicted to tobacco? Am I truly making a freely made choice when I smoke? By telling smokers that smoking is a personal choice, the tobacco industry has helped to keep its customers in denial about the true extent of their addiction. If smoking is a choice, then what's the rush to quit? The tobacco companies have used this spin to help keep millions of customers buying their deadly products. The most important step to take is the first step --admitting you have an addiction. Admitting that you're smoking more out of addiction than choice will help motivate you to go on to the next steps -- taking control of yourself and becoming a nonsmoker. This admission will further serve you by helping you stay smoke-free later. In the months and years after you quit, when temptations to smoke occasionally overpower you -- and they will -- remind yourself, "I have an addiction and I'm powerless over tobacco." Saying this to yourself in overwhelmed moments of desire will help give you the strength to say no to "just one" cigarette.
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