الخميس، 31 يوليو 2008

Bigger Breast - How To Get Bigger Breast Without Surgery

Constantly standing in the mirror saying to yourself, I want to know how to get bigger breast without surgery. Your are dissatisfied with the look of your breast. You want your breast to stand up, stand out and get the attention they deserve. There was a time when it seemed as though breast surgery was the only way to enhance your breast. Not wanting to go under the knife, you were hoping that a much easier way would come along. Yet, there are a lot of women who still choose to have the surgery even though there is a better way.
There is no other way to get bigger breasts faster unless you take your chances on surgery. You may want to do a lot of research on breast surgery just to get a good idea of what your are in for. It is very expensive and dangerous. But, there are some women who are willing to take the risk. Once the surgery is over it is time for you to endure the pain and heal up. For the price of those nice breast you will have wait weeks before you heal completely. Then you have to pay for them month after month unless, you pay the $10,000 up front. Now your friends are looking for other ways to enhance their breast. They have found out that they do not have be cut on to have firmer breast. There are natural ways for them to enlarge their breast naturally. After doing a little research they realize that there are breast enhancement herbs that can do the job.These herbs work to increase your breast size and they also help firm them up as well. There are plenty of products for you to choose from that are made from natural ingredients. You will find that there are pills, creams, gum, and some other products. All of the products ingredients are made to grow your breast. These supplements are safe and they do not cost a arm, a leg, and a breast to give you sexy breasts. It's just a matter of finding the product you want and following the instruction. It is important that you follow the direction as directed on the label.If you still have question, about how to get bigger breast without surgery, check with your doctor maybe he or she can recommend someone to you who knows more about the subject. There are simple ways to naturally make your breast bigger. You need to search them out

Understanding Silicone Gel Breast Implants

When it comes to breast surgery, knowledge is power. While silicone breast implants have been very controversial in the last two decades, the recent FDA approval gives women the ability to choose silicone gel options for breast augmentation. Safety of Silicone Gel Breast ImplantsSilicon is a natural element, occurring only second to the abundance of oxygen on earth. When oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon mix together with silicon, it transforms into silicone. It is this silicone that is utilized in many medical procedures, including heart valves, catheters, nerve regeneration, reconstructive implants, drainage systems, and artificial joints.
Whereas silicone was previously banned by the FDA for over a decade, as of November 2006, the FDA approved breast implants made of silicone gel. According to the FDA, who has been tracking the silicone implants data for the last decade, their approval of silicone for breast implants was based upon their belief of its safety for American women. Over the last 10 years, extensive research has been conducted regarding silicone gel implants, and there has been no evidence linking silicone with cancer or connective tissue disease. Nonetheless, due to historical concerns related to the use of implants, the FDA has deemed it a necessity for makers of implants to monitor 80,000 implant patients for a period of 10 years. Only through broad use of silicone gel breast implants can the FDA and medical community accurately judge instances of rarity. Past studies have not observed the progress of breast implant patients beyond a period of three years. Accepted Manufacturers of Silicone Gel Breast Implants At present, the only two manufacturers of saline and silicone breast implants that have been deemed safe by the FDA are Mentor and Inamed (who also goes by the name Allegan or McGhan). Breast implants made by other companies other than these two are not considered to be “reasonably safe” by the FDA and should therefore be avoided. Inamed and Mentor manufacture silicone gel implants, which are encased by three layers of shell. These protective layers reduce the gel bleed, making it safer than previous types for the woman undergoing breast augmentation surgery. The Difference between Silicone Gel and Saline Breast Implants The two breast implant material options, saline and silicone gel, vary in their consistency. Some women believe that the silicone gel implant has a more “natural” feel, as it has a thicker viscosity that mimics the consistency of fat. Indeed, if you touch the silicone gel implants outside your body, they may initially feel softer than saline breast implants. However, it is important to keep in mind that silicone gel will behave and feel differently once it is in your body. Subsequently, silicone gel implants can feel harder and less natural after it is placed in the breast augmentation surgery. On the other hand, some women think that saline has a firmer impression, which makes it look and feel less natural. However, saline implants have enjoyed new surgical techniques, which have brought a more natural consistency and feeling to these breast implants. Another important difference between saline and silicone gel implants is how they are filled. Whereas saline implants are precisely filled once they have been placed into your body (and thus, only require a very small incision), silicone gel implants are manufactured pre-filled. Therefore, silicone gel implants necessitate a larger incision, and thus, you will be left with a longer scar than with a saline breast implant procedure. There are also age restrictions between silicone gel and saline breast implants. You only need to be at least 18 years old for a saline breast implant surgery, or any age if you are undergoing reconstructive surgery. In contrast, in its current FDA regulation, you must be at least 22 years old to choose a silicone gel breast implant (unless you are undergoing reconstructive surgery) because of the fact that a woman’s breasts will grow through her early 20s. In addition, the FDA feels that a woman who is at least 22 years old can make a mature, informed decision based upon the potential risks and ongoing costs of a silicone gel breast augmentation surgery. The ideal choice between saline or silicone gel breast implants depends on each individual’s circumstance. The best way to decide which breast implant is right for you is to speak with your Honolulu plastic surgeon, who can assess your individual situation and expectations to determine the ideal material for you. Duration of ImplantsUnfortunately, implants do not have a lifespan as long as their patients. On average, breast implants last up to 10 years, while some will last as many as 15 years. The younger a patient is when she has breast implants, the more likely she will have to go through a number of surgeries in her lifetime. Cost of Breast ImplantsBreast surgery of saline implants will cost somewhere in the area of $6,000 to $7,000. If you choose to have silicone implants instead, expect to pay at least $1,000 more. Most health insurance plans will not foot the bill for breast augmentation surgery if it is for cosmetic purposes. The majority of companies will not pay for any complications, serious or otherwise, that arise from breast implant surgery. Women who have silicone gel breast implants are required to have a breast MRI every three years after the surgery to check for ruptures. The vast majority of insurance companies will not pay for these tests either. Before you schedule your breast surgery with your Honolulu plastic surgeon, find out what your health insurance company will and will not cover in regard to this surgical procedure. Speaking candidly with your Honolulu plastic surgeon about your expectations will provide you with the best results, regardless if you choose silicone gel or saline breast implants

What Serious Problems Occur During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be one of the most joyous times in a woman's life. It is also a time when all attention is focused on maintaining optimal health. For women with chronic asthma, maintaining adequate asthma control during pregnancy is of particular importance. Poorly controlled asthma may compromise the health of both mother and baby, and complicate labor and delivery.Vaginal bleeding
Bleeding from the vagina during pregnancy can be a danger sign, so it is always advisable to contact your GP or midwife straight away. Some causes of bleeding are more serious than others, so it is a good idea to find out straight away.In the early stages of pregnancy, bleeding may be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy; however that is not always the case. A lot of women, who experience bleeding, do go on to have successful pregnancies. Bleeding can be due to the placenta implanting in the lower part of the uterus (placenta praevia) or the placenta beginning to come away from the uterus (placental abruption). Thyroid ProblemsOne of every twenty women develop thyroid inflammation within a few months after delivery of their baby, a condition called postpartum thyroiditis. This form of thyroid inflammation is painless and causes little or no gland enlargement. However, the condition interferes with the gland's production of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormone may leak out of the inflamed gland in large amounts, causing hyperthyroidism that lasts for several weeks. Later on, the injured gland may not be able to make enough thyroid hormone, resulting in temporary hypothyroidism. Urinary incontinenceLying across the bottom of your pelvis is an important muscle called the pelvic floor, and one of its jobs is to support your bladder. During pregnancy your pelvic floor is stretched and sometimes damaged. This can lead to stress incontinence where the bladder leaks a small amount of urine when you cough, sneeze, laugh, jump or run. You will be encouraged by your midwife to do pelvic floor exercises both during and after pregnancy to strengthen this muscle and reduce the risk of stress incontinence. Your midwife can give you more information on these exercises.Changes to your hairHormone changes during pregnancy may make your hair thicker and grow faster. You may find that your hair also falls out faster - but don't worry - it's just because your hair is growing faster.Sleeping ProblemsIn the last three months of pregnancy women may have difficulty sleeping. They might have problems falling asleep, getting comfortable or be troubled by unpleasant dreams and nightmares. Women who were able to sleep a lot in the early stages of pregnancy may find themselves sleeping very little during the final stage mainly because of the many physical changes taking place.Thromboembolic DiseaseIn the United States, thromboembolic disease is the leading cause of death in pregnant women. In thromboembolic disease, blood clots form in blood vessels. They may travel through the bloodstream and block an artery. The risk of developing thromboembolic disease is increased for about 6 to 8 weeks after delivery. Most complications due to blood clots result from injuries that occur during delivery. The risk is much greater after a cesarean section than after vaginal delivery

What Are Genital Warts?

Genital warts are not something that you want to have. They are a serious sexually transmitted disease that is hard to deal with. The human papilloma virus otherwise known as HPV causes this disease. This virus looks like bumps that resemble warts. These bumps are annoying and will cause you discomfort. This is why it is so important to have it taken care of right away. Genital warts look like little bumps that form around the penis or in and on the vagina, the cervix and the anus. This virus is passed when people engage in all types of sexual conduct. It is important for people to know that these are not the same warts that are found on the hands and feet. These should not be treated with the same types of treatment. You are going to have to get special treatment and the right medicine to treat this disease.
Many people that have the wart virus on their sexual organs are very contagious. Only a few people develop warts that can be seen. It is passed when skin touches skin during sexual conduct. The wart virus is very common in adults who are sexually active and do not perform safe sex. When someone has genital warts, they will need to get medical treatment and get the proper care so that they do not spread this disease to any of their partners. There are some people who have this disease will not know they have it. They may not have any of the signs of the disease. They may have painless warts on their sex organs. Those warts will be different in size and can be smooth or bumpy. There are special procedures and tests that have to be performed to determine the wart virus. If you think that you may have genital warts, you need to seek medical attention. You need to take care of the problem before it worsens. You should not have sexually conducted with anyone until you have treatment for the problem. If you do have sex, you need to use a condom so that you do not spread the disease to your partner. If you do get medical treatment as soon as you see any signs or symptoms of genital warts, you will find that you can keep it quiet and simple. You do not have to be embarrassed about having them. In fact, there are more people than ever being diagnosed with this unwanted disease. You will find that you will feel much better once you get help and get the problem under control. If you do not have any medical coverage, there are free clinic that will give you the help that you are looking for with the genital warts. You will get medicine and even some advice to help you control this nuisance.

Vaginal Odours - A Rose Smelling Vagina Is Not Healthy

Is there a cure for vaginal odour? The answer is yes and no. No cure is necessary because the vagina is an odourless organ of the female body. However, if a vaginal infection is present or you keep a poor hygiene pact with the vagina then this can give cause for a smell of which we do have a cure.Unfortunately due to embarrassment women spend money they can ill afford on products they believe will get the job done (rid vaginal odour).Just because a fem product box looks healthy does not mean the content is healthy. To start swabbing the vagina with unfamiliar creams/lotions can cause more harm than good. Your GP needs to determine your condition to be able to prescribe the right medication. If an infection is the cause of your vaginal odour, then oral consumption of tablets/pills will not help. To treat an infection will include antibiotics of which can not be obtained from over the chemist counter
You can avoid upsetting the natural pH balance of the vagina by evading methods that can lead to vaginal infections. Vaginal douches, feminine hygiene products, perfumed or deodorant soaps smelling like roses are a few to mention.Thrush InfectionThrush is commonly recognized in women; however it can also affect men. Thrush is caused by yeast called Candida. Tiny amounts of Candida live on the skin and around the vagina. The immune system and harmless bacteria that normally live on the skin and in the vagina usually stop Candida from thriving. If conditions are good Candida amasses and can attack the vagina causing symptoms.Because Candida settles in warm, moist, air free spots, answers the question why the vagina is the most likely place for this infection. Thrush can infect the groin and mouthThrush symptoms will show up in your discharge. Discharge is normally smooth off white and watery. Itchiness, redness, or pain outside of the vagina (the vulva) tells us thrush maybe the causeBacterial vaginosisBacterial vaginosis (BV for short) is a common infection which affects women. It is a condition of the vagina caused by an overgrowth of various bacteria (germs). Germs do no imply that you are dirty so no need to worry. Bacterial vaginosis is not just a simple infection caused by one type of bacterium. The primary symptom of BV is a vaginal discharge. Most women get stressed over the fishy smell experience, well BV discharge often white-grey colour is known as the cause for the fishy smell. Unlike thrush BV discharge does not as a rule cause symptoms of soreness and irritation around the vagina/vulva. In BV, an 'overgrowth' of various bacteria erupts in the vagina for reasons unknown as we speak. The vagina is already infected with different types of bacteria (harmless). Although harmless they create a barrier against harmful germs such as Candida. In BV, there is a change in the balance of the normal bacteria in the vagina, and particular bacteria grow and flourish much more than normal. Medical experts explain these changes as "a change in the bacterial flora of the vagina from mainly lactobacillus species to high concentrations of anaerobic bacteria." A vaginal infection should not have you believing to bathe the vagina more than necessary. Compulsive cleansing is not recommended because it can upset the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina, which may make Bacterial vaginosis more likely to develop.About vaginal dischargeThe crucial function of the vagina is to provide a pathway from the exterior of the vagina to the uterus and the internal reproductive system. The natural, acidic, pH of your vagina acts to prevent infections. The vagina is a self cleaning organ. Every female will lose some amount of vaginal discharge. Glands in the vagina and cervix produce small amounts of fluid that flows out of the vagina everyday taking with it old cells that line the vagina. Normal discharge plays an important role in helping the vagina stay lubricated clean. Normal vaginal discharge is often lucid or milky when dry on underwear. Signs for abnormal discharge or infection clotted cheese-like vaginal discharge, burning feeling when peeing , regular increases in vaginal discharge, change in colour, consistency, or loss, blood when not time of menstruation, Itchy rash or a foul odor accompanied by unusual coloured vaginal discharge (yellowish green).

Cosmetic Surgery Treatment For Massive Weight Loss Effects

After working hard at diet and exercise, you have lost a massive amount of weight only to find you have excess skin that just won't go away. The good news is that there are cosmetic surgery procedures that can remove that skin and tighten up what remains leaving you with a more toned appearance.Both sexes can be benefited from a number of facial procedures that are available for addressing specific problem areas. A face lift (rhytidectomy) generally deals with the lower portion of your face. Because of weight loss or age, your eyelids may now have drooping skin. The procedure is called blepharoplasty and is done on both men and women making them look younger and refreshed
Your surgeon may also suggest a brow lift which lifts the position of the eye brows and removes the horizontal lines that may make a person appear angry. With all facial procedures, the incisions are made as small as possible and are designed to be hidden in your hairline or where there are natural folds of your skin.Your neck may also be showing signs of your weight loss, giving you the "turkey neck" appearance. While a neck lift (cervicoplasty) can't reverse the aging process it can make both men and women appear more youthful. When a neck lift is done, the procedure is similar to the lifts described above with the skin being lifted, tissue and muscle being tightened and excess skin being removed.The breast/chest area can also be a problem for both men and women. Some men may have had heavy "man boobs" and now have sagging skin left there as evidence of the weight loss. A woman on the other hand might have sagging breast tissue and skin.A breast lift (mastopexy) on a woman will involve moving the nipple higher and rebuilding the breast tissue that remains. If a woman doesn't have enough breast tissue or perhaps would like to enlarge her breasts she may opt to have breast augmentation done also.In male breast lift, incision is made at the fold under the breast area; any excess tissue and fat are removed via liposuction with the incisions being closed with fine sutures.Considering the arm area, the most likely place with excess skin is the underside of the arm. Arm lift,(brachioplasty) can be done by making an incision near your arm pit, liposuction follows to remove fat from the under arms and then the excess skin is pulled towards and the incision is closed.You might find that you have excess skin and tissue drooping around your abdominal area (both above and below the belly button) along with sagging skin in the buttocks area. During your consultation with your surgeon, various procedures may be discussed such as tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). Great care is given to hide incisions in natural folds of the body. The length of this horizontal incision depends on the amount of excess skin to be removed.As with most procedures, the muscles are tightened through the incision and liposuction maybe used to remove fat and contour to your abdomen. Depending on how much skin and tissue you have remaining, your surgeon may suggest a body lift which is a combination of tummy tuck and butt lift.Thigh lifts (thighplasty) are done to change the appearance of specific portions of your thighs. Liposuction may be used to define your thighs and remove any excess skin.With any of these or other cosmetic surgery procedures, you should make sure your surgeon is certified by The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). When you meet your surgeon for the first consult you want to ask what their experience level is, with the specific procedure you are considering. Better to find out before you go through surgery than afterwards.Prices for each procedure vary by geographic area and some surgeons have "packages" for multiple procedures. Financing is available for plastic surgery through several financing companies although you should explore all your financial options.

Why all diets fail

Why all diets fail
Excerpt from Dr. Max Sawaf’s new book "Anti-Aging Made Simple"
More than one half of the Western population is trying to lose weight. After more than 2000 diet books and 1500 different diets the world epidemic of obesity is spreading like fire. People are tired of dieting, depressed about their failures and totally confused with thousands of conflicting messages from experts who do not seem to agree on anything, except that you should eat less and exercise more. In order to understand why diets fail you need to understand a little bit how your metabolism work. The term basic metabolic rate refers to how much your body burns when you are asleep or sitting behind a desk or a TV screen, which is the majority of your time. A small change in metabolism has a huge impact on your weight. Someone who eats a lot and does not gain weight has a higher metabolism than someone who eats very little but gains weight. Genetics play a certain role. How active or lazy your thyroid gland also plays a role. But the biggest role by far is how much muscle you have. Fat is very light in weight…Think of it like snow. One kilogram of fat fills more than a two liter bottle of Coke but burns only five calories per day. One kilogram of muscle is half that size and burns 100 calories per day. The truth is that all diets succeed in the first few weeks for various reasons. But they all fail for the same reason: more than half of the weight loss in most diets is loss of water and muscle, which will slow down your metabolism. Stop obsessing with your scale, kilograms and weight and think more about your muscles, your belt and the size of your waist in terms of inches or centimetres. The danger of all diets especially when they are not balanced, in terms of providing enough protein, is that you end up losing so much muscle that when you eventually stop dieting, and all dieters eventually get tired of dieting, the same amount of food will make you gain even more weight since your metabolism is now slower creating what we call the yo-yo dieting.

Hair loss

Hair loss
Excerpt from Dr. Max Sawaf’s new book "Anti-Aging Made Simple"
At any one time, about 10 percent of the hair on your scalp is in a resting phase. After 2 to 3 months, the resting hair falls out and new hair starts to grow in its place. This growing phase lasts for 2 to 6 years. Each hair grows approximately 1 centimeter per month during this phase. About 90 percent of the hair on your scalp is growing at any one time. It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of this cycle. However, some people may experience excessive (more than normal) hair loss. Hair loss of this type can affect men, women and children. What causes excessive hair loss? A number of things can cause excessive hair loss. For example, about 3 or 4 months after an illness or a major surgery, you may suddenly lose a large amount of hair. This hair loss is related to the stress of the illness and is temporary. 98% of hair loss in men and 70% of hair loss in women is hereditary. Hormonal problems may cause hair loss. If your thyroid gland is overactive or under-active, your hair may fall out. This hair loss usually can be helped by treatment of the thyroid disease. Hair loss may occur if male or female hormones, known as androgens and estrogens, are out of balance. Correcting the hormone imbalance may stop your hair loss. Many women notice hair loss about three months after they've had a baby. This loss is also related to hormones. During pregnancy, high levels of certain hormones cause the body to keep hair that would normally fall out. When the hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels, that hair falls out and the normal cycle of growth and loss starts again. Some medicines can cause hair loss. This type of hair loss improves when you stop taking the medicine. Medicines that can cause hair loss include blood thinners (also called anticoagulants), medicines used for gout, medicines used in chemotherapy to treat cancer, vitamin A (if too much is taken), birth control pills and antidepressants. Certain infections can cause hair loss. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children. The infection is easily treated with antifungal medicines. Finally, hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes. Since hair loss may be an early sign of a disease, it is important to find the cause so that it can be treated. Can improper care of the hair cause hair loss? Yes. If you wear pigtails or cornrows or use tight hair rollers, the pull on your hair can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia (say: "al-oh-pee-sha"). If the pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops, your hair will grow back normally. However, scarring can cause permanent hair loss. Hot oil hair treatments or chemicals used in permanents (also called "perms") may cause inflammation (swelling) of the hair follicle, which can result in scarring and hair loss.

Plastic Surgery - Buttock Augmentation

Plastic Surgery Not everyone is happy with their bum, some of us want bigger bums and others want tighter, pert little numbers. For many of us who have tried and failed to get our desired posterior, there is hope. Because bums are particularly reluctant to improve with exercise, cosmetically enhancing buttocks has become more popular. Dr. Max Sawaf of Cosmesurge explains why people have buttock augmentation and what is involved in the procedure. “For those people with persistently flat buttocks there is a way to achieve perfect shape and increase of volume,” he told Women’s Health & Fitness. “When done by experienced surgeons, results are optimal, achieving long-term beauty, no visible scars and no stitches to be removed.” “On the other hand, micro fat grafting and lipo-injection are mostly recommended for those who already have a fairly considerable buttocks volume but need shaping and firming.” The buttock surgery lasts two hours and it is performed under general anesthesia or epidural and sedation depending upon the patient’s preference and medical criteria. The recovery period is comfortable but long, requiring one night in the hospital. However, for three weeks after the procedure, you should sleep on your tummy or side and can walk normally but should avoid sitting. It usually takes 20 to 30 days to get back to normal activities and strenuous activity should be avoided during the first month for proper healing. Dr Sawaf explains that there are two types of implants that can be used in buttock enlargement: solid and cohesive. The first type is made out of a very dense silicone but it’s rarely used because it is uncomfortable and doesn’t give a great result. “I recommend the cohesive ones, which is a lighter silicone type of gel, with a natural adjusting capacity, that remains very strong and resistant.” “Choosing the correct buttock implant size to be used is a very important aspect to be considered.” “Going after a huge butt just for the sake of a particular fantasy may lead to unnecessary rejection of the implants.” The implants may be placed through the muscle where they can look, act and feel natural. However, it is important to stress that choosing the right surgeon is essential. Surgeons who do not have adequate training can wrongly position the implant.

Cosmetic Surgery Tips

Cosmetic Surgery Tips
Excerpt from Dr. Max Sawaf’s new book "Anti-Aging Made Simple"
Thinking of having a little nip and tuck? Here are some things to think about before surrendering to the surgeon's scalpel. You can start with a good skin health restoration program using medicated cosmetics that suit your skin under medical supervision instead of buying worthless cosmetics or dreams in a jar. You can use Botox for wrinkles around the eyes and forehead, fat transfer or hyaluronic acid for the fold between the mouth and the cheek, superficial chemical peels to renew the skin and treat pigmentation spots, micro-dermabrasion or non surgical ND: YAG laser facelifts or thermage. How does one go about choosing the right surgeon? It depends on your needs of course but there are a few things I've learned during my journey that I would like to share.
It is impossible to hold a medical degree from the University of SukuSuku as SukuSuku is not a country; you should never have to walk through a pest control shop to get to the clinic and avoid places that require a secret knock! Clean, well appointed premises are a good sign and you can tell a lot about the surgeon by his clients and his staff. If the surgeon has a lot of happy people in the lobby consider that a good sign. Once I've found the right doctor what then? Be specific about your needs and don't take no for an answer. Remember, like a housepainter, a plastic surgeon works for you. Just as you wouldn't let a housepainter say "No, I think it looks good now. I refuse to do any more work as it would be dangerous." You should not let a surgeon bully you. Make a clear list of what you want. If they cannot deliver, tell them you will get someone else to do it. Bring in a photograph, to show the surgeon exactly the look you desire. Unless you have a knack for drawing, don't make the Joan Rivers mistake of handing in a sketch on a cocktail napkin. Make sure you are going to get value for your money. Michelle Pfeiffer, Michel Jackson, Lauren Hutton are just three examples of people who were taken for thousands of dollars yet have very little to show for it. If the only comments you get after you've invested thousands are "My God, you look rested" or "did you get your hair cut?" then you have not received your money's worth. Would you spend $50,000 on a tune-up for your old car? No, you would get a brand new one. The same thing applies here. How much should I pay? Most good plastic surgeons and plastic surgery centers are more expensive than someone who is not as experienced. When a surgeon is slow because he is not experienced or not as good, he would be willing to pay money for the patient to do the operation to gain experience! Beware of surgeons and centers offering services much cheaper than the going rates in your community. On the other hand, not every expensive surgeon is a good surgeon. Unfortunately, I get too many patients who call my Centers asking do you do gastric bands or nose reshaping surgery, and when we say yes their next question is “how much does it cost”. While this is an important question, it should not be the first consideration. Cheapest can turn out to be very expensive. We are talking about your most precious asset, your face, your body and your health. How safe are the most common procedures? All surgeries carry some risk of infection and the risk of anesthesia. I minimize both by performing all of our surgeries such as liposuction, tummy tuck, facelifts and breast augmentation using local anesthesia with enough intravenous sedation so that the patients do not feel, hear or see anything. This technique is in contrast to general anesthesia where the patient’s breathing is paralyzed and is totally dependant on the anesthesiologist’s attention and skills. We generally only use general anesthesia for few operations such as breast reduction, certain nose surgeries and gastric band surgery. By far the most common complication and even death have been reported with liposuction done under general anesthesia. There has never been a single major complication when liposuction was done under local anesthesia. According to the statistics released by the Florida board of medicine, office based cosmetic surgery procedures carry ten times the risks of death than procedures done in a same day surgery center with proper back up of an anesthesiologist. The Florida Board is even considering banning liposuction under general anesthesia. Another safety measure we follow is to refuse to do certain procedures such as tummy tuck, facelifts and breast lifts on smokers because the risk of skin sloughing and infection is greater. To minimize the risks of infections we operate in a surgical hospital. How should you choose the right hospital for your cosmetic surgery? The community hospital is the department store of healthcare, the jack of all trades. But it is a model with limitations, the limitations of the generalist. In the complex world of healthcare delivery, it is impossible for the generalist to be superior in every aspect. In the delivery of surgical services, for example, a traditional role for general hospitals, the specialist argument is a compelling one. Emirates Hospital in Dubai, where all CosmeSurge operations are performed, does not admit patients for chronic illnesses, renal dialysis, cancer radiation therapy, brain surgery, open heart surgery, deliver babies or treat victims of car accidents or those who need prolonged rehabilitation. These conditions are best served at a general hospital. This separation allows for the Emirates Hospital, a surgical hospital, to focus on elective surgery performed on otherwise healthy patients thereby having less infections and faster recovery in a friendly atmosphere. Specialty surgical hospitals have lower rates of nosocomial infection, infections that originate or occur in a hospital setting. They are usually very hard to treat as they are resistant to antibiotics. According to a December 2002 report from the Centers for Disease Control, the national rate in traditional general hospitals is 5.7 percent. The nosocomial infection rate is approximately two-tenths of one percent in specialty surgical hospitals. A major reason for the lower rate of infection is that specialty surgical hospitals focus on elective and pre-planned surgeries. Infection rates in specialty surgical hospitals are lower because they don't perform surgery on "someone who is throwing up or bleeding or presenting with possible infectious conditions. I think that the otherwise healthy patient needs a place to go where nosocomial infection rates are less than 1 percent instead of 5 percent or more." What are the most common side effects? The most common side effect is bruising and swelling and pain after surgery, all of which are minimized by through the use of local anesthesia as it constricts blood vessel and lessens intra-operative bleeding. How major are the operations? It is often believed that aesthetic plastic operations fall under minor surgery. It is assumed that face lifting, for example, merely involves excising a bit of skin and then it is all over. This is basically true- but a carefully performed face lift takes a few hours and if not done right can end up with facial paralysis form nerve damage, bad looking scars or pulled down ear due to excessive skin resection. The surgeries that require the most skills by the surgeon are nose reshaping, facelifts, lower eyelid surgery, deep chemical peels and breast reduction. Even though the trend in plastic surgery is toward outpatient operations, many operations are still carried out on an inpatient basis. However, the hospital stay is becoming increasingly shorter. Is it all just magic? Aesthetic plastic surgery is commonly glorified as being "magic." This prejudice must be rejected categorically. As in all other fields of surgery, fundamental surgical principles also apply here and failure to observe them has consequences which would become immediately apparent to everyone. Will there be scars? As yet there is still no magic wand to produce surgery without scars. We take every care to place our incisions where they are not easily visible, for example in concealed sites of the body wherever possible. Fine suture material and special suturing techniques usually result in the scars being very inconspicuous. Although existing scars can be considerably improved, they cannot be entirely removed. One in a hundred patients may get excessive scarring (Keloid) which can be hard to treat. Keloids are more common in black skin. Is aesthetic surgery just for women? Due to the higher proportional of trauma cases, men are more often the patients in general plastic surgery, while in aesthetic plastic surgery on the other hand the percentage of women is much higher. Recently, however, the number of male patients in the latter category is rapidly growing. Is it "luxury medicine"? Aesthetic plastic surgery is very often described as luxury medicine and we are accused of operating only on those from the upper class and prominent people. This is simply not true. The majority of our patients are people like you and me, sometimes having to struggle hard to save the money or take out a loan in order to fulfill their heartfelt desire. And in each case the operation is carried out absolutely identically, regardless of whether a prima Donna or a housewife is lying on the operating table. Surgeons will always do their best for every patient who places trust in them. Are there any age limits? The subject of age limits for aesthetic operations is brought up time and again. The earliest aesthetic operations are already performed for prominent ears at the age of 5-6 years. Here surgeons hold different views as to whether the child itself should want the correction done or whether the parents' desire is enough. Each person is unique and for this reason the question concerning the upper age limit should be answered individually. The precondition is always a generally good state of health. Should you believe everything the adverts say? This question is important since various private clinics have started calling themselves institutes, academy or use the word international. Doctors have at times been advertising using before and after photos that are not even theirs or are exceptional results that they cannot consistently duplicate. Sensational newspaper articles centered on a doctor with a cult-like status and creating the impression that everything seems possible and easy should be taken with a pinch of salt. My answer to this question is a clear "No." Should the surgeon conduct a personal consultation with prospective patients before they undergo surgery? Do I ever recommend that surgery is not the right option? If so, when would this be the case? We have several full time plastic surgeons that see every patient before surgery. We evaluate every patient to assess their expectations. Unless their expectations are realistic and their underlying problem can be significantly improved with surgery, I do turn them down. The most common complication in cosmetic surgery in the USA is unmet patients’ expectations (10%). In other countries it is even higher because patients are less educated about their options and about how to select the best surgeon or Center for their particular need and because patients are too embarrassed to complain to authorities or seek legal help regarding a bad outcome when it comes to breast surgery for example. Any post-surgery tips? You might be well advised during your convalescence to have a lot of good reading material and avoid looking in the mirror. It is very common to feel a bit depressed or scared during the first week of recovery. Should this get out of control call our center and we will hook you up with a patient of ours who had the same experience but was very happy few weeks later. Keep in mind that women are very jealous creatures. They will more than likely resent your transformation if they can't afford to do it themselves. My advice in this instance is to consider the source and do your best to rise above their pettiness. If it all gets too much for you always remember: nothing gives you a lift like a bit of Botox.

How to choose your esthetic surgeon?

How to choose your esthetic surgeon?
Excerpt from Dr. Max Sawaf’s new book "Anti-Aging Made Simple"
Equating the terms plastic and esthetic is one of the most common mistakes made by laymen on this subject. The term plastic in ancient Greek is to shape or mould. Plastic surgery is about reconstruction of the breast after cancer surgery, or treating burn victims or reconnecting a hand that was accidentally amputated in a factory or fixing a congenital anomaly such as a cleft lip or palate and so on. Cosmetic surgeons on the other hand concentrate their training and practice on treating wrinkles, saggy skin, reshaping a nose or liposuction. The right surgeon for you will be the one who has done the procedure you want numerous times on people with features similar to yours and who has successfully gotten the results you are hoping for, it does not matter what degree he or she attained twenty years ago. With the increase in demand for plastic/ cosmetic surgery, a flood of medical doctors and firms have penetrated the field, but this influx has not contributed much to the patients expectations. Therefore, in order to reach out for the right cosmetic surgeon you need to identify the following nine characteristics. The surgeon must:
Be highly skilled in the exact operation you wish to make
Be ethical and should advice when the operation is unnecessary
Update his knowledge and skills with the latest development in the field
Be working in a well equipped hospital under the supervision of a responsible and qualified management
Provide a complete explanation on all details of operation and must elaborate on the different outcomes and suggest alternative treatments
Be qualified to operate in a one day surgery and local anesthesia environment
Be courteous and most of all you should feel well and comfortable with doctor (right chemistry)
Be working in an office or center where they have multiple sub-specialists in cosmetic surgery with each surgeon concentrating on few surgeries (practice makes perfect)
Work in an office or center where staff is knowledgeable and friendly. You can use the above rules to search for a cosmetic surgeon, but in reality, these rules are for any kind of doctor you may choose. Cosmetic surgeons, plastic surgeons, eye surgeons, ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat specialists) and maxillo-facial surgeons and dermatologists have all contributed to the field and no one specialty, interest group, or organization should monopolize the field which belong to the surgeon who spent the time and effort to practice the craft with skill, safety, honesty and loving attention to the wants of the patient needs. Choosing the right surgeon for your cosmetic surgery is not easy. It would be much easier if it were a simple matter of schooling, degrees, and medical specialty, but cosmetic surgery is about on the job training. Beware the use of titles and diplomas as your exclusive guide to choosing the right doctor. It is not the paper- it is the practice! One thing is certain: as the nineteen century cardiologist Herman Nothanagel said, “Only a good person can be a good doctor”. And of course it follows that only a good doctor can be a good cosmetic surgeon. After you’ve told the doctor what bothers you and what you’d like to accomplish, there should be a thorough discussion of what the procedure entails. All information should be given to you in plain English. The basics of all these techniques are not complicated, and you should understand how the procedure you are inquiring about works; how it will work for you personally, how to prepare yourself beforehand, how long the procedure will actually take; hospital stay; when you should expect to see the benefits of surgery, and, most important, the potential risks versus benefits of going ahead. The early phase of the initial encounter forms the basis for “impression management,” a process by which the patient and physician interact in a hopefully positive sense as they get to know each other in a professional but friendly setting. The patient is always thinking “can I trust my face or body to this doctor,” while the surgeon constantly assesses whether or not the patient’s expectations can be met and the ultimate happy outcome achieved. Thus, a two-way verbal and mental assessment occurs between two strangers, augmented by facial expressions, verbal intonation, and body language. Within a matter of minutes, a mutual appraisal of vital significance has occurred, in which each individual’s impression of the other is cemented, confirmed, or doubted. For my part, the elements of interaction must, when summated, result in a simplistic judgment about whether I “like the patient.” If any doubts exist whatsoever regarding this fundamental question of chemistry, further probing assessment is indicated or gentle disengagement is necessary. I rely also on the opinion of my front desk staff and patients’ counselors to alert me to their reaction when small things go wrong such as their reaction to occasional delays in the reception area or change in their appointments and so forth. One must always hold paramount that the majority of patients seeking cosmetic surgery are ”well” patients who seek to be “weller” (happy); the surgeon may be in the inappropriate position to make them sick (unhappy).

The MedLite laser - the choice for tattoo removal...

The MedLite laser - the choice for tattoo removal... Decorative tattoos have a history dating back at least 5000 years. The desire to remove them has probably existed for just as long. Early attempts to remove tattoos have had less than desirable results. The use of dermabrasion, saltabrasion and Argon or CO2lasers have left behind scars in place of the tattoo. The advent of Q-Switched lasers has permitted the removal of most tattoo inks with a very low risk of scarring. The MedLite Q-Switched Nd: YAG laser is the laser of choice in this class of laser. The MedLite can significantly lighten or remove a wide variety of tattoo inks. How does the MedLite laser remove the tattoo? The MedLite laser removes tattoo ink with the energy of light. A laser is a device which is designed to produce one or more specific wavelengths of light. Tattoo ink is removed by using this specific wavelength of light which passes into the skin, but is absorbed by the ink. The rapid absorption of light energy causes the tattoo ink to break into tiny particles which can then be removed by the body’s natural filtering systems. The MedLite laser provides maximum tattoo removal while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. What type of tattoos can be removed? The MedLite laser can remove professional, amateur (homemade), traumatic and surgical tattoos. How many treatments will it take to remove a tattoo? On average, professional tattoos require 6-8 treatments, while amateur tattoos require 4-5 treatments, all spaced approximately 6-8 weeks apart. The number of treatments depends on the amount and type of ink used, and the depth of the ink in the skin. Eyebrow tattoo can be removed in 1 – 2 sessions.
Does the laser remove colored tattoos? Dark (blue, black) and red inks will resolve the best. Oranges and purples usually fade as well. Green and yellow inks are the most difficult to remove, and additional treatments are needed to produce significant fading. Will the tattoo completely disappear? In many cases, yes. Greater than 95% fading of the tattoo may be accomplished. However, it is important to know that there are many, many types of tattoo inks in use worldwide today, none of which are regulated by the FDA. Not knowing which tattoo ink was used, or how deeply it was applied, makes it impossible for the physician to predict the degree of removal on any given tattoo.
Is the process painful? The MedLite laser emits light in very short pulses. The impact of the energy from the powerful pulse of light is similar to the snap of a small rubber band on the skin. The majority of patients do not require anesthesia, depending on the size and location of the tattoo. Anesthesia creams are available if needed.
What type of post-treatment care is necessary? An antibacterial ointment and a dressing will be applied to the area immediately after treatment. Occasionally, there will be pinpoint bleeding associated with the treatment. The treated area should be kept clean. Follow your physician’s instructions exactly as to what to do during the days following the procedure. A shower can be taken the next day, although the treated area should never be scrubbed. If a scab forms it is vital that you do not pick it or scratch it. How do I get started? Your physician will be happy to discuss this procedure with you. Please feel free to make an appointment for a consultation to discuss your specific needs.
“I loved my tattoo when I got it, but I’m at a point in my life now where I no longer care to have it. The MedLite laser was the solution for me.” CosmeSurge Patient

How to Quit Smoking... The easy way

How to Quit Smoking... The easy way “All the resources we need are in the mind.” – Theodore Roosevelt."
Excerpt from Dr. Max Sawaf’s new book "Anti-Aging Made Simple"
Mark Twain said, "Quitting smoking is easy. I've done it a thousand times." Maybe you've tried to quit too. Why is quitting and staying quit hard for so many people? And how can you quit without so much pain. Sadly, eighty percent of smokers who quit do so without being in any program – and studies show that 95% of these self-reliant quitters fail, and go right back to smoking. It's the same rate of recidivism as with heroin. With a 95% chance of failure without a program, you may wish to consider getting some help this time around. The battle against smoking is harder to win when fought alone! My success rate with patients who want to quit is about 60%. If you want to improve your chances of quitting by tenfold, read the next twelve pages. The vast majority of my patients report that quitting when using my program was a lot easier that they thought. People who are the most successful at living life typically get help, and plenty of it. For example, they might read up on how to prevent illness, and go to the doctor when sick. In business, a businessperson will get a lawyer to write the contracts, a marketing firm to do the marketing, an ad agency to create the ads, an accountant to do the accounting – and so on. The fact is that people who are successful in life get help. Real men ask for directions! The same applies for quitting smoking. For those who have repeatedly failed at quitting in the past, it's comforting to learn that most smokers in fact fail several times before stopping successfully. Your past failures are not a lesson that you are unable to quit. Instead, they are part of the normal journey toward becoming a nonsmoker. Every time you fail you lose a little more faith that you could really quit. So each time you quit, it gets harder and harder to motivate yourself to set a date. You begin to feel it is hopeless. My mission here is to restore your faith in yourself. You can quit. Even if you've failed several times in the past, understand that this is normal. You're not alone. When asked why you smoke, you might have said, "I just like to smoke!" or "It's my choice to smoke." The tobacco companies have promoted the idea that smoking is a matter of personal choice. As I see it, there really isn't as much choice as they have suggested to their customers. Ask yourself, and be totally honest: Am I addicted to tobacco? Am I truly making a freely made choice when I smoke? By telling smokers that smoking is a personal choice, the tobacco industry has helped to keep its customers in denial about the true extent of their addiction. If smoking is a choice, then what's the rush to quit? The tobacco companies have used this spin to help keep millions of customers buying their deadly products. The most important step to take is the first step --admitting you have an addiction. Admitting that you're smoking more out of addiction than choice will help motivate you to go on to the next steps -- taking control of yourself and becoming a nonsmoker. This admission will further serve you by helping you stay smoke-free later. In the months and years after you quit, when temptations to smoke occasionally overpower you -- and they will -- remind yourself, "I have an addiction and I'm powerless over tobacco." Saying this to yourself in overwhelmed moments of desire will help give you the strength to say no to "just one" cigarette.

How to Get Younger Every Day?

How to Get Younger Every Day? Aging is not very pleasant, but it is the only known way to live longer – Sent Beuve.
Excerpt from Dr. Max Sawaf’s new book "Anti-Aging Made Simple"
What is wrong with this picture? A person works hard all his life and saves money for retirement and plans trips around the world. But his plans are shattered when he gets the bad news that he has cancer or when he is struck by a heart attack. Even though he finally succeeds in quitting smoking, he will spend the rest of his life "not well" to say the least. He will be popping up all kinds of medicines with their terrible side effects: depression or impotence due to the anti-hypertensive medicines, insomnia caused by the anti-depressant or dry mouth and constipation due to anti-Parkinson drugs. That person walks with a cane after his recent hip fracture caused by osteoporosis. The same osteoporosis that made him shorter and gave him the hump. The hump is in fact caused by painless fractures of his spine. His vision deteriorated so badly that he can no longer enjoy TV, his only source of entertainment and news. When he reaches eighty year old he cannot recognize the date or place where he lives and at age 80 he loses his memory. He cannot even recognize his kids. He is totally dependent and is such a burden, his kids have to place him in a nursing home. With a picture like this who wants to get old? Imagine the same person but in total control of his health. He has been exercising for one hour a day for the last fifteen years, lifting weights and running on the bike. He is fairly muscular and enjoys eating his salads and his fruits. He has never touched a cigarette. He is still active running his business and refuses to retire. At age 85 he can be still pretty feisty and vigorously defends his views which he shares with his grandchildren. He travels independently and continues to drive his car. Now wouldn't you want to live to be his age? The two people have the same chronological age (85 years old) but vastly differ in what counts the most: their biological or real age. There are more than 46000 papers and articles looking at the way we age and how we can slow it down. The science is only ten years old but is very exciting. We have learned more in the last six years about aging than we have learned throughout history. Thousands of "anti-aging centers" have popped up in the USA and a lot more will find their way into the rest of the world. They are mostly run by endocrinologists (hormone specialists), some advocating giving growth hormones and testosterone replacement. Both treatments are controversial as the side effects could include a potential disturbance of the body’s delicate system and its ability to generate its own hormones and worse, acceleration of dormant cancers in the body. However, there are several strategies to stay healthy and fight premature aging. We shall review in the following chapter the safest and most effective ones.

Sweet tooth. Here is some practical advice

One minute on the lips…forever on the hips…
Excerpt from Dr. Max Sawaf’s new book "Anti-Aging Made Simple"
A carbohydrate craving can be described as a compelling hunger, craving or desire for carbohydrate-rich foods; an escalating, recurring need or drive for starches, snack foods, junk food or sweets. In addition, carbohydrate act-alike (sugar substitutes, alcoholic beverages and monosodium glutamate) may trigger intense or recurring carbohydrate cravings and/or weight gain. Bad carbohydrates with a high glycemic index such as refined starch, fizzy drinks, convenience and comfort foods feed the addiction like a drug. They produce correspondingly high blood sugar and insulin levels, which lead to even more cravings. This is what I call the sugar roller coaster. This is also the rational behind the Atkin Diet and the South Beach diet. Bad carbohydrates also produce higher levels of the brain chemical serotonin. In sensitive people, particularly those who may have low serotonin levels to begin with i.e. prone to depression, a carbohydrate binge is the equivalent of self-medicating -- just to get the sugar "high” instead of the runner’s high or treating depression with a serotonin enhancer like Prozac. Carbohydrate cravings are a matter of biology and not just willpower. To help break this cycle, eating regularly is important. If too many hours have passed between meals, your blood sugar will drop. Your body will crave carbohydrates. These are the foods that will provide the quickest supply of energy. However, by the time your sugar has dropped and you are starting to feel symptoms such as weak knees, headache or extreme carbohydrate cravings, it is often difficult to control what you eat. Instead of reaching for your planned snack of low fat cheese and crackers, the candy bar or bag of M & M in the vending machine looks much more appealing. Though many people recommend dealing with cravings by having "just a little" of the food you crave, this is not always a great idea. While it may work for some, this sets up a cascade of biochemical processes in sugar-sensitive people that invariably translates to an overwhelming desire for more of the same. For sugar-sensitive people, one simple bite of a chocolate chip cookie is almost impossible. It's like an alcoholic having just one drink. Notice, by the way, that it's nearly impossible to binge on steak or buttered broccoli but relatively easy to binge on sugar or starch. Biology isn’t the only reason we eat. Food is powerfully connected to our emotions. Some of us eat when we are tense, but tension hurts our weight loss efforts in several ways. Tension not only triggers carbohydrate cravings, it also makes it more difficult for us to lose any additional weight. Cortisol also stimulates insulin, which leads to blood sugar dips and fat storage. It's a vicious cycle that feeds on itself, over and over. The more we try to ignore a feeling, the stronger it grows. It's so much easier to deal with an issue while the emotion is still in a "fixable" stage. But, our denial system is incredibly effective in shielding us from honestly facing ourselves. Here are ten practical to control your craving for sweats: 1. Practice waiting. Postpone your instant gratification when hunger hits. Tell yourself you'll wait 15, or better 30 minutes to eat. Chances are good if your cravings are only stress-related; they'll disappear when you allow yourself to become distracted. 2. Eat small meals or snacks containing some PROTEIN every few hours to keep blood-sugar levels steady. Skipping meals, especially breakfast causes blood sugar levels to drop, which leaves you yearning for processed carbohydrates and sweets for energy. 3. Be selective about the carbohydrates you eat. Avoid nutrient-stripped foods made of white flour, white rice, refined sugar and highly concentrated sweeteners. Look for foods rich in fiber, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, which level off blood sugar. 4. Don't skimp on protein and fat to "make room" for large amounts of carbohydrates. Protein and fat give the body extended energy, help balance blood sugar and keep cravings at bay. Most fat free packaged foods are loaded with bad or refined sugar and calories. 5. Limit your intake of alcohol, fruit juice and caffeinated drinks. These cause abrupt blood-sugar highs followed by troublesome blood-sugar lows, leaving you starved for energy. Freshly squeezed fruit juice is no exception. Dates are commonly served with Arabic coffee in the Middle East and do compound the problem. 6. Eat small portions of seasonal goodies AFTER protein-containing meals or snacks. If you eat sweets on an empty stomach, you'll experience blood-sugar lows that trigger the desire for more sweets. 7. Avoid becoming hungry during shopping trips and while traveling. Carry protein-rich snacks such as nuts, cheese strips or hard-boiled eggs. These high-power foods are great when you feel your energy drop. 8. Get enough sleep. When the body and mind are well-rested, cravings for carbohydrates often vanish. For good sleep avoid late meals and caffeine after two PM. 9. Drink enough water. Most people drink only when thirsty. Drink whenever you can, before, during and after meals. You should drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Avoid having juices and Coke at home even the diet type since your taste buds gets addicted to sweets. 10. Teach your children early on. Good eating habits based on above principles. After all they are what they eat. You cannot afford to lose this battle. Control TV watching and computer games and encourage reading and playing. They learn from the quality of the people they meet and the books they read. Their habits affect their weight and their weight determines their fate. If the above tips do not work for you check with your physician. You may benefit from a drug used in diabetics called Metformin (Glucophage) which can regulate your blood sugar, your insulin resistance, your sugar cravings and your weight.

الأربعاء، 30 يوليو 2008

Marketing Affiliate Programs Are The Most Trusted And Effective Way For Making Money

Marketing affiliate programs are the most trusted and effective way for making money on the Internet today. Affiliate Cash Vault shows you a powerful new technique to make money from Adsense. The author Patrick Lanoux gives you some very valuable tools and resources that can earn $500-$5000 per week, depending on how much effort you put into it. Affiliate Cash Vault includes the following tools: 3 ebooks, a webpage template that is easily edited, a list of highest paying adsense keywords and software to generate niche keyword lists. The section on how to earn cash on auto-pilot really got me hooked. I realized I could still make money even while I'm sleeping!

The best part in the book is however the way Google arbitrage is explained. Patrick has outlined clearly how you can identify high paying keywords and it is simply mind blowing. After signing up, you can start earning without having any stock or product of your own - just selling other people's products and services, or in other words, affiliate marketing. This is just amazing and Patrick guides you every step of the way. The simple set it and forget it system actually works. This is a powerful technique yet told in a simple step-by-step process that everyone can follow. Patrick shows some neat ways and a secret source from where you can get targeted traffic everyday - in a very inexpensive way! The member’s only site of the Affiliate Cash Vault is a virtual treasure cove of tools and tutorials for newbie wants to make money on the internet.

You will not only get the list of highest paying keywords but more importantly the tips and tricks of how to get them working for you. As a start up entrepreneur if you are boot strapping then this tutorial teaches you some very effective, low cost advertising methods. There is also a detailed guide on pay per click advertising. Best thing about the affiliate cash vault course is you can do all this without a website of your own. You will be given a web page template that is designed in a way to generate profit. You will also be guided on how to set up accounts, how to identify profitable niches and how to generate profitable keywords lists. Demystifying the affiliate marketing process is not a simple task and not many people are willing to share their "trade secrets" but Patrick does it with great honesty and simplicity. Patrick reinforces his claims on Ailiate Cash Vault by supporting real life testimonials and links to actual websites that are actually utilizing this amazing product. Though it is not as simple as the author claims - to start earning money instantly, it is definitely possible to start earning money in a few days. Therefore, if you always wanted to find out how to make money on the Internet, Affiliate Cash Vault is your best bet and highly recommended for its simple style and the amazing web design software

Start Working As An Affiliate Marketer

Most people consider affiliate marketing the best way to start a business. It is true that there you will have a huge potential to make lots of money by affiliate marketing. What is even better is that not much money is needed in order to start the business.

However, you should never start working without any planning. You have to do it step by step. Otherwise it will be very difficult for you to become successful. You can follow the steps and tips described below so that you can start working in a systematic way
You will of course need to find some good affiliate programs to join first. You may consider joining the affiliate networks such as Azoogle and Commission Junction. The advantage of joining a network is that there will be lost of merchants and products for you to choose to promote.

Picking a market is also very essential. You will most probably choose to work in several niche markets. This is because these markets are usually of high demand yet there are only little competitions. As a result you will have to chance to maximize the profit.

When everything is ready, you will be provided with some affiliate links. You will then try to promote the products with the links. You can try multiple ways to promote the products. If you have the budget, you can even try to start some Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns using the services of Google Adwords.

You may also want to get some free traffic. It is true that the cost associate with PPC campaigns such as Google Adwords can be very high for a beginner in affiliate marketing. There are a lot of places for you to promote the products. For example, you can try to make use of some online social networks such as Squidoo and Facebook to promote your affiliate products.

It is very easy to start the business of affiliate marketing. Given the huge earning potential, there are more people who jump into this field everyday. Yet most of them do not really work and hope that they can make money. The truth is that you will need to write original articles about your niche and put them on your websites. By doing that you can attract the visitors to revisit your website again.

If you can follow the above steps, you will be able to start your business in affiliate marketing without any difficulty. What you have to understand is that you will not make money instantly. You have to work for at least a few months. Then you will start how the income increases.

Acid Reflux Disease: Its Symptoms & Diagnosis

While we are aware of the typical symptoms of acid reflux disease, a doctor may conduct various diagnostic tests to rule out any organic cause of your acid reflux problem. Typically, if the problem persists after lifestyle and diet changes, the doctor may suggest one of the several procedures enumerated below to find out the actual cause.

These procedures would be classified as invasive because they require placing a tube into your
esophagus in order to gather information

Two procedures recommended by the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, the 24-Hour Esophageal Ph Test and the 48-Hour Bravo Esophageal Ph Test, require the placement of a tube into your esophagus by way of the nasal passage. The tube must be inserted far enough so that it reaches the Esophageal Sphincter muscle, the starting point of acid reflux.

A small tube containing an instrument that detects acid levels is inserted into your food tube and placed just above the lower esophageal sphincter. A clear adhesive is placed over the tube to adhere it to your cheek and hold it in place. A recording device is attached to the end of the tube and placed on a belt or over your shoulder. With this device you can keep track of notable changes and make record of them.

A week before the test is performed you must restrict yourself to certain foods and medications. Once the 24 hour test period begins you may not shower. You must keep a record of everything you eat and what time you eat. You must also keep track of your sleeping pattern. Symptoms must be entered into the recording device. At the end of the 24 hour test your doctor or his assistant will disconnect the device and the recording instrument and remove the tube from your esophagus. At this time they will be able to gather the recorded information and analyze the results. This will provide the information needed to develop a treatment plan right for your specific case.

The Esophageal Manometry Test takes less time. It is performed by placing a small tube that is sensitive to pressure into the oral or nasal cavity and into your esophagus. This device calculates the assistance given to the digestive process by the esophagus by reading the intensity of the contractions of the muscles therein.

X-ray and Endoscopic procedures help in uncovering possible blockages that may hinder the digestion process. These procedures make use of a scope which allows for internal observation.

Daily medication or a change in habits and routine may be necessary once a doctor has determined that your acid reflux has not been caused by a scarred or overly narrow esophagus, or some sort of unnatural growth or occurrence.

People Who Own (or Owned) Land Underlying Or Adjoining Certain Railroad Corridors In California...

If you own or have owned land underlying or adjoining railroad corridors in California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming, you may be entitled to money from the settlement of a pending class action lawsuit.

The rail corridors in question are:

• California-Mojave 02 to Los

Angeles 03

• California-Reno to


• Colorado-Julesburg to


• Idaho-Boise to Brigham


• Kansas-Topeka to Salinas

• Michigan-Saginaw to


• Montana-Fargo to Billings

• Montana-Billings to Seattle

• North Dakota-Fargo to


• Oklahoma-Vinita Jct. to


• Oregon-Boise to Spokane

• Utah-Boise to Brigham City

• Washington-Yakima to


• Washington-Tacoma to


• Wisconsin-Eau Claire to St.


• Wyoming-Cheyenne to Salt

Lake City.

AT&T, which owns telecommunications cable on the properties, has agreed to pay net compensation benefits ranging from approximately $.60 to up to approximately $3.80 per linear foot to qualifying claimants.

If you, or an estate or entity you represent, own or have owned land along these corridors, your rights may be affected by the proposed legal settlement.

The deadline to comment on, object to or opt out of the settlement is October 11, 2007. Local fairness hearings are scheduled for:

California Fairness Hearing

November 28, 2007

Colorado Fairness Hearing

December 18, 2007

Idaho Fairness Hearing

November 30, 2007

Kansas Fairness Hearing

December 19, 2007

Michigan Fairness Hearing

December 21, 2007

Montana Fairness Hearing

December 17, 2007

North Dakota Fairness


December 20, 2007

Oklahoma Fairness Hearing

December 19, 2007

Oregon Fairness Hearing

November 27, 2007

Utah Fairness Hearing

November 29, 2007

Washington Fairness


November 27, 2007

Wisconsin Fairness Hearing

December 21, 2007

Wyoming Fairness Hearing

December 18, 2007.

A final fairness hearing is scheduled for January 17, 2008, and the deadline for filing a claim is February 18, 2008.

Online Accredited Degrees - Business

It is useless to pursue a college course such as Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Engineering, Computers, Law, Medical, Accounts and Graphic Designing, if it is not accredited from United States Department of Education. Students will achieve nothing in the end after earning non-accredited degrees in any of the above mentioned fields. Employers do not recognize such courses. You will not be eligible for higher studies such as Ph.D. after pursuing non-accredited college courses. Above all, the money and the time invested in earning a non-accredited degree will give you nothing in return. In this article we will discuss the advantages of earning online accredited degrees.

Universities have to obtain a license from the state in order to get accreditation. Students will be happy to know that there are universities available on internet, which award online accredited degrees in various studies. It is easy to get enrolled in a university, which works through internet. Log on to the official web site of an online university to fill the admission form. Let us discuss the advantages of earning an online accredited degree.

There are thousands of universities, regular colleges, and online colleges providing accredited online programs in various disciplines. While choosing an online program, one has to bear in mind that accreditation is the criterion for the authenticity and credibility of a course. This prevents one from being cheated by fake programs and bogus institutions.

There is no need to suffer in a low paying job that drives you crazy. The options for growth and change are mere mouse clicks away. Plus with accredited distance learning colleges you don't have to waste time driving to and from classes, nor spend evenings away from family because you can choose learn at your own pace and schedule, so no more need to compromise your family time or shirk work responsibilities.

The admissions for different accredited degree courses are open throughout the year. Your high school diploma is enough to let you enrolled in your aspired course. For some courses you may require a grade point average of 2.0 or above and practical work experience.

Accredited online degrees can often introduce you to an industry that you wanted to get into and forge a career in. By teaching you the basics, accredited online degrees can create a solid foundation for you to build a career upon

Free Auto Insurance Quotes: Something You Should Know Before Buying..

Free Auto Insurance Quotes -The Process

The process of obtaining Free Auto Insurance quotes is not as hard as you think. Although you might know what free auto Insurance quotes is all about, but you might have no idea the process of obtaining a free auto Insurance Quotes. But, Don’t worry, even if you never get one before, and don’t know anything about Free Auto Insurance Quotes , you should still be able to benefit. After all, this industry is doing whatever it can to help the consumers .
To get free auto insurance quotes, you must first know a site that offers this service. There are 2 options, you can either find an online insurance brokr that works with a number of insurers to get your Free Auto Insurance quotes or else go to each insurance company's website and fill out their Free Auto Insurance quotes form. Both ways have their advantages but we definitely recommend you to go online and fill out all the quote forms. When it comes down to it, you can do whichever you think is the best.

The Next step is to provide accurate information on yourself as well as what you are looking for in your Free auto insurance quotes. Remember, if you mess up even one detail , you may end up having an inaccurate free auto insurance quotes in your hand. This could lead to a huge shock down down the line when you are told that you cannot get the price of the original quotes. Please bear in mind, to get a cheaper free auto insurance quotes, please provide them this detail - your background, type of car, driving history, police record, date of birth.

Remember, if you obtain more free auto insurance quotes you got, the more choices you can compare. We personally recommend a minimum of 3 free car insurance quotes. Getting one quotes is a great place to start, but this is not where you should finish . Even if your first free auto insurance quotes looks great, you never know what the competition is going to do for you; this is until you get free auto insurance quotes from them as well. Remember to set a budget for yourself, a price that you can afford.

Lastly, your final step is to purchase a policy from the free auto insurance quotes that you have received. This may be the most difficult decision that you are faced with; especially if there are a couple of policies that you like.

Oh ya, a reminder from me, Insurance companies are inter-linked with each other, it’s better to be honest with them. That’s why providing correct information to obtain free auto insurance quotes is really important , make sure you give the same information to every insurance company. Don’t simply try out by filling the quotes with different information, they have information exchanged everyday and they would know. You will end up getting free auto insurance quotes which are much more expensive and there will be no chance to lower the premium down

Most accident victims really don't know where to turn when looking for a Virginia accident attorney. In some area there are more than 100 pages of Yel

Most accident victims really don't know where to turn when looking for a Virginia accident attorney. In some area there are more than 100 pages of Yellow Page ads for attorneys. Here are some tips on finding the right Virginia car accident attorney for your

First Step: Educate yourself.In the old days, the law was pretty much a closely guarded secret. The ONLY way you could get your questions answered was to talk to a lawyer in your town. Not anymore. Now, with the advent of the Internet, there is no longer any excuse for anyone to not get a basic understanding about their legal problem, including accident cases, before even picking up the phone.

Search the Internet for FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions) about your legal problem. Visit lawyer websites. Visit chat rooms. Visit other legal web sites. Now remember, you must be careful about Internet "information" but all you are doing at this point is collecting information—finding out "what ballpark you are playing in"—even before you talk to a lawyer. Some of the information you find may be flat out wrong—that's why you visit lots of sites. Obviously, it would be foolish to rely on information you find at any one web site. The purpose here is simply to move you along the path of knowledge so that you can make an informed decision about what lawyer to hire.

Remember that if a law firm is listed at one of those mega lawyer directory websites, all it took was a checkbook to get there.

Next, take a visit to the library. Remember the library? It is a fantastic resource of free information. Even though we have the Internet, there is nothing like a good old-fashioned book to start you on the right course. Every city has one!

Step Two: Start to Gather Names of Potential Attorneys. Remember, you are still in the information-gathering process.

Contact them and ask each one for this set of information to be mailed to you (there's no rush, you have time.)

1. Are you a nationally certified attorney?

2. Show me examples of sample verdicts and settlements.

3. Show me articles you have written for legal journals.

4. Show me a list of your public speeches to lawyers about your practice area.

5. Send me a copy of any book, DVD or audio CD that your firm has produced.

6. Send me a sample fee agreement and explain how fees and costs are calculated.

Good Luck. Most people spend more time researching their next refrigerator than they do researching their next lawyer.

Copyright (c) 2008 Benjamin Glass

Paxil Lawyer: Your True Guide

It has been discovered that Paxil and other SSRI (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor) drugs can cause a condition known as akathisia. This condition causes severe inner restlessness and has also been found to cause suicidal tendencies. Because of these unknown side effects of Paxil, many people are getting a lawyer to represent them. GlaxoSmithKline is the maker of Paxil. It turns out that Paxil’s manufacturer may have hidden certain facts about the safety of the drug. They may also have misrepresented some studies related to the prescription of Paxil to young children. Because of these findings, it’s important to have a lawyer that is familiar with taking on drug companies and can help you. Paxil has been a popular anti-depressant for many years.

In 2004, the New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer filed a lawsuit claiming that GlaxoSmithKline had buried several studies that showed that Paxil was found to be ineffective in the treatment of children and adolescents. It was also suggested that these findings indicated that suicidal thoughts increased in children and teenagers who were on the drug. Knowing this, if your child or teen was prescribed Paxil it’s important to have a lawyer that is willing to fight the big drug companies for everything that you are entitled to. A Paxil lawyer knows how to fight for your interests and not back down from the big names and their insurance companies.
After the Spitzer lawsuits, GlaxoSmithKline was forced to respond. Their own studies showed that Paxil was mostly ineffective when prescribed to children and that, yes; it did increase a risk of suicidal tendencies among certain groups. There were a lot of reasons why the safety of Paxil has been questioned by lawyers over the years. For one, Paxil was never approved by the FDA for treatment of patients younger than 18 years old. Adults have also had problems with the drug. Some have claimed that Paxil has given them adverse side effects such as akathisia. Some have claimed the drug led to the withdrawal problems when they tried to stop taking the medication. Because of these findings, GlaxoSmithKline is facing lawsuits. If you have had any of these symptoms or if your children or teenagers took the drug you want to speak to a lawyer that is familiar with Paxil and class-action lawsuits against large drug companies.

Having a Paxil lawyer on your side will protect you from a drug company that is looking to make the case go away. If you had dependency or addiction issues because of Paxil use you need to talk to a lawyer who can review your case. If your child is harboring suicidal or violent thoughts because of their Paxil use you need to talk to a lawyer that can review your case. There are many losses you may have suffered because of Paxil usage. Many people are seeking to recover damages for medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering

Anti-spam System Full Review - Gafana

Gafana is a premium full-featured email solution providing spam-free email service to companies of all sizes. Launched in January of 2004, Gafana has grown to an industry leader in the fight against spam, email viruses, and inefficient business email services. Already protecting the inboxes of thousands accounts, we now ask you to forget safety, security and convenience - this will change the way you live your life. Sounds crazy right? That is because this has never been done before. Gafana has developed and integrated leading-edge technology that is so easy to use, it's hard to believe.

How Does Gafana Do It?
The concept is simple: Every email that passed through Gafana is subjected to a series of rigorous tests and analysis. Each email is given a rating and based on this rating, Gafana determines how to handle each email. Integrating several different technologies in a custom-developed environment where everything works together harmoniously, Gafana is able to block the junk while good emails pass through effortlessly. Users have full control over how Gafana manages the protection of their inbox. With our pre-defined settings, getting setup is a quick and painless effort. You can also save time by consolidating multiple email accounts into one Gafana account - this includes any Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, or POP3 email accounts.

The Perfect Solution for Businesses
Gafana has been protecting thousands of inboxes since 2004. Our new business solution is based on the same proven platform yet improved and simplified for businesses who need to manage anywhere from 5 to 5,000 email accounts. Implementing Gafana's business spam protection system is actually easier than for personal users - a simple change of your MX record and your set.

An Industry Leader
Gafana is an industry leader in the fight against email spam, viruses, phishing, and other similar security threats. However, spam is not just a security threat but also a complete waste of money. Some studies have shown that the average web-based business employee spends around 30-60 minutes per day going through junk email. This is wasted time and money. Gafana's full-featured business anti-spam solution guarantees an end to spam, email viruses, unwanted junk, and an end to wasted time and money.

Going Above and Beyond Email
This is something that Gafana has been doing since 2004. Click a few buttons and Gafana will send you an alert or reminder of an event via email, text message, or even a phone call! Automatic email archiving is included with all business accounts so even if the corporate office burned down, the company would not lose a single email - they are all backed up in archives at Gafana and can easily be restored to get everyone back right where they left off. If you have ever had a problem with keeping your address book up-to-date, Gafana has a system to automatically get the latest information from your contacts. With a few clicks, you can send out update requests to all of your contacts asking them to review their information and update it themselves if needed.

World Class Service and Support
Gafana's technology is backed by the best online support in the business. Our online support team is always available to help clients get started, answer any questions, and help configure your new account. To ensure our customers are taken care of, we provide telephone support, email support, trouble ticketing, an extensive knowledgebase, and even remote-PC support where we can connect to computers remotely to help get users started or troubleshoot any problems. Gafana's product is great, but many have said our service is even better.

About the Company
With its headquarters in Southern California and a satellite office in Kharkov, Ukraine, Gafana is a strong company built from the ground up with long-term success in mind. A house built on sand can never be a home to pass down; a solid foundation is the key to longevity and success. For Gafana, in order to reach our goals, we have partnered with several top-tier high-performance enterprise-equipment manufacturers. This was the only way we could be sure our infrastructure would be capable and reliable from the start of the first day to the top of Forbes 500.

What Others Are Saying
“Gafana is the BEST thing that has happened in my LIFE (at least my internet-life) in ages. I am the Vice President & Marketing Director for RE/MAX Lifestyles. I have asked our technology department to demo your email tool to our office of agents. Everyone of them NEED to see it in action. Too cool. Congratulations, finally… an elegant solution that actually works- and works the way we need it to. No manual required.”

How To Stop Spam Bots Getting Your Email Address

If you're anything like the average Internet user, you'll have seen an annoying increase in the number of spam emails that are hitting your inbox. If a spam bot finds your email address the chances are you will suffer a deluge of offers for body enhancement products and other useless offers. But there are some simple steps that you can take to stop these email harvesters.

Spambots are computer programs that scour the Internet looking for email addresses. These are fed back to a central database that is then used to send huge volumes of spam emails. Spam now accounts for over 50% of email traffic. The main way to prevent them getting your email address is to make sure it doesn't appear on the Internet.

A low-tech way of hiding your address is writing it out without the "@" symbol. So you could write your address as:

joebloggs (at) mywebsite (dot) com

Most human visitors will know what this means, but it will be enough to fool many pieces of software. However some advanced programs maybe programmed to specifically look for this pattern.

If your email address needs to appear on a website, another approach is to use a script. This scrambles the address so that it is not visible to a spam bot but it appears normally on the page if a human was to view it.

A better solution is to use a form on your webpage to replace a simple email address. This can then be set up to send the contents of the form to your email address. This also has the advantage that you can ask the user for specific information by putting a required field onto the form.

Employing either of these measures should reduce the chance of your email address being harvested by spam bots. You should combine this with common sense practices like not revealing your email address on public forums or bulletin boards that can be easily crawled by email harvesting software.

SBC Wireless Internet: Wi-Fi is Everywhere

Of course, everyone knows that SBC is a giant in the telecommunications industry and has been for a good, long while. So, why should it surprise anyone that, since they remerged with AT&T, they have taken off like a rocket in the wireless Internet business. SBC announced its plans to service California's 89 state parks in December of 2005 with Wi-Fi services; it serves several thousand McDonald's with Wi-Fi service and supplies SBC's Freedom Link Surf to Concordia University in Austin, San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas, just to name a few of its business wireless Internet customers.

In the residential wireless Internet arena, now remerged with AT&T, SBC wireless Internet can be purchased at economical rates for home networking to its residential customers. In a highly technical and wired-up world, SBC has its portion of market share in today's 21st century wireless setting.

To check out SBC wireless Internet for home networking, you can access the SBC/AT&T website online at att.sbc.com for pricing on the Pro and Elite packages offered by SBC wireless Internet services, which usually range between $25 to $35. Business wireless Internet service packages can be accessed online for perusal at the official SBC/AT&T website, as well

Drug Rehab And Alcohol Rehab- A Complete Addiction Treatment

Addiction to alcohol or drug not only affects the addict but also the family who forcefully have to undergo this traumatic experience. But thanks to alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs that act as a savior both for the addict and the family. Alcohol and drug rehabilitation is an educational and therapeutic process involving medical and psychotherapeutic treatment that helps an addict in overcoming their dependency on alcohol or drugs, such as heroin or cocaine.

To treat the addiction, it is very essential to understand the reason that made the person addict to alcohol or drug. There are varied reasons that lead a person addict to alcohol or drug, including financial, physical, social, legal or psychological consequences. The drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities figure out the reason and thereby help the patient in recovering through various methods that include medical treatment and psychotherapy
The rehabilitation programs and the types of treatment are designed according to the patient’s age, health, level of damage (both physical and psychological) and improvement willingness. The process of rehabilitation helps the addict to overcome the chemical dependency from all levels that include physical, mental and spiritual factors so that they can live in the environment free from drug and alcohol addiction. The process involves withdrawal of the habit, learning life courses and after care programs. To meet the objective, the different types of therapies and treatments made available by the rehabilitation centers include local support, extended care and in-patient and out-patient programs. The therapies offered also involve individual, group and family counseling sessions. During the rehabilitation programs, the addicts’ health is taken care of by providing them necessary nutrition and vitamin supplements.

The staff in the rehab helps the patients in recovering not only by emotional counseling but also by engaging them in different activities of their interest so as to revive their personal interest in their life. The family support and addiction treatment together play a major role in addiction treatment. A rehab therapist works on the personal aspects of addict’s life that has led to this addiction thereby overcoming any reoccurrence of the addiction. A good exercise program helps the addict in gaining a natural high that helps in overcoming the addiction.

Vocational rehabilitation programs are one of the effective treatments available that help the addicts in overcoming their habit of chemical dependency. These programs involve activities and methods that create interest in the addicts to think and live the positively involving without any chemical dependency like alcohol or drug.

There are many drug rehab centers, where the addicts are provided steam and sauna facilities so as to relax their mind as well as soul. The spa and massage therapies help in relieving the mental stress that the addict might be undergoing.

With proper care and medications provided at rehabilitation centers, the addicts can easily overcome their addiction to alcohol or drugs. After the completion of rehabilitation program, the addict turns out as a new, fresh and healthy individual which is not less than a miracle.